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Meet Brian

Brian Montini for Mayor. Mayor Pro-Tem, Northlake Town Council, Place 3

My family moved here in 2013, at that time the dirt work on Harvest had barely begun.  Northlake consisted of some apartments in the south and only several hundred rooftops.  My wife, Laura and I have been married for 22 years, and we have 2 boys, ages 5 and 13 who keep us pretty busy..

I immediately got involved in Town Council meetings as a resident and worked to manage the growth of Northlake by trying to convince council at that time to maintain existing zoning for controlled growth.  In 2018, I was elected to Northlake Town Council.  I was immediately elected by the council to the position of Mayor Pro Tem.  I have been re-elected to that position by each council every year since because I will work with anyone, regardless of their views, to try and better Northlake.

I am a fiscal conservative and believe in strategic investments in our Town’s future. I am a strong supporter of our emergency personnel, earning an endorsement for Mayor from our ESD’s firefighters union, the Argyle Professional Firefighters Association Local 5190.  I have family in both fire fighting and police and been involved with our law enforcement in strategic plans for Northlake. I was also a participant in our first Northlake Citizen’s Police Academy, Class #001 and I am a member of the Northlake Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association...  BTW, I am a great driver too! (Check out the video link! I sure made that "bad guy" work hard to get away in a much faster vehicle!  I was driving the Tahoe chasing him in the Charger!)

Sometimes, I wonder how I got here.  I have always wanted to help people, but I didn’t know how or where my strengths were. Once I started working to help my neighbors protect what they loved about Northlake, it became clear to me very quickly that public service was my calling. More specifically it was my natural ability to help people find consensus where they originally saw none that has proven the most valuable asset in leading Northlake to date.

It would be my honor to continue to serve our residents in this new role of Mayor. While we have our challenges, I believe that our best days lay ahead of us, not behind us. Where we can build a vibrant community with something for everyone while respecting our rural heritage.

Pol. Adv. Paid for by Brian Montini
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