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If elected as Mayor, my initiatives include more deeply addressing one of the biggest complaints within our neighborhoods... speeding and traffic.

  • I want to implement comprehensive measures to ensure the safety and tranquility of our community. This includes increased patrolling, strategic placement of speed dataloggers, lane narrowing markings, and community awareness campaigns. My goal is to create a safer environment for all residents and visitors and especially our children.
  • Addressing traffic congestion has been, and will continue to be, a priority for me.  By working with our neighbors and regional leaders, we will get things moving smoothly!

Principles that I pledge to stand by

  • Preserving the rural character of Northlake where ever possible.
  • Investing in our future through thoughtful and strategic growth
  • Transparency in government, answering questions for our residents
  • Representing Northlake in a positive and forward looking manner.
  • Maintaining one of the lowest tax rates in the DFW Metroplex
  • Cooperatively working with our neighboring towns, county and state representatives to get what Northlake needs

Pol. Adv. Paid for by Brian Montini
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